Moving House Checklist

They say they moving home is one of the most stressful things you can do but with a little bit of savvy organisation you can make the whole process much easier. Here are some handy hints and tips to consider when you’re ready to move house.


Whether you’re buying a property or moving into rented accommodation make time to speak to the people who are currently living there. These are the people who know your new home and area the best. They are in the perfect position to be able to answer any questions you may have.

Questions you should consider asking them include;

  • Where are the gas / electric meters and stopcock located?
  • What day are the bins collected?
  • Where is the mains stopcock (to shut off the water)?
  • Do you have instruction manuals for any of the electrical items that are being left behind?
  • Which companies currently supply the energy and broadband?
  • Where is the thermostat?

These might seem like small points but they will make your life a lot easier in the long-run.

Moving House


Moving day is likely to be hectic but getting organised in advance will make life easier. Why not get the keys to your new home the day before you’re due to move so you can have a clean beforehand? Regardless, pack a box of cleaning products and tools that you might need and have them close to hand.

Whatever boxes you’ve decided to pack ensure they are clearly labelled and properly secured in advance! It might seem trivial but you will be thankful when you get to the other end and can easily find the things that you need. It’s always a good idea to pack spare flat cardboard boxes! Lay these on the floor of your new property to protect flooring when you move the furniture in.


There will be lots to sort out once you’re in your new home, but there’s no harm in getting started right away. Think about what you’ll need to do when you get there and start writing them down. These could be things you need to arrange (broadband, gas, electric) or items you need to buy. Once everything is written down and your removal date is confirmed you can start ticking them off!