If you are planning to move house in Rotherham you need a smart checklist make sure things go to plan!
One of the best ways to ensure that your home move in Rotherham goes smoothly is to be as organised as possible. This means not leaving everything to the last minute and putting a list together of what you need to achieve can be really helpful. Here at VG Removals we’re experts at this, so here are a few handy hints towards creating checklists which should make your life easier.
- Start to look at removal firms, compare quotes and think about making a decision as to who to use.
- Online quotation forms are your best friend here.
- Make use of a Price Match Guarantee policy! (Works every time!!)
- Hire a reputable conveyancing solicitor.
- Give notice to your landlord if your renting.
- Book in cleaning, decorating and repair services if you need to.
- Talk to your current mortgage lender and fix a settlement figure if possible.
- Visit your new neighbourhood and triple check your happy with your new location.
- Got kids? Talk to the school and let them know what’s happening.
- Buy a folder or document box ready for all the paperwork that’s coming your way!
- Confirm the date of your move, or as close as you possibly can!
- Book surveyor. Your bank or estate agent is a great place to get a recommendation
- Look at things like new home insurance.
- Contact your insurance company for details on how to transfer this to your new home and check how this might affect your existing policy.
- Start to declutter your home. Have a massive sort out of your items and think about what to do with things that you don’t want to move to your new home.
- Contact utility companies and let them know of your pending home move.
- Think about what you may need for your new property and order things like new furniture or electronics.
- Consider security at both properties.
- Make a list of where essential items are for both homes including stopcock, instructions for appliances, gas and electricity meters, thermostat and fuse box.
- Order a pack of sharpies! Trust us… you’re gonna need these;
- Unregister from doctors and dentists and look at how you register with new doctors and dentist if you need to. Alternatively drop them a line with your new address.
- Get in touch with the post office and arrange for your post to be forwarded to your new address if this is going to be an issue.
- Start to think about what who can look after children and pets on the day you move to help reduce stress levels.
- Pay outstanding bills.
- Update DVLA, HMRC, National Insurance, your employer.
- Check the status of your passports. Advise passport office if you need to.
- Advice the council and deal with council tax details.
- Order boxes and start to pack up items that you know you won’t need access too (books, ornaments, some clothing, bedding etc is a good place to start).
- Order packing tape!
- Delete your old address from all online retailers (such as Amazon). There’s nothing worse than realising a package has been delivered to an old address.
- Book a hotel room just incase something goes wrong. With Booking.com you can do it for free and cancel without penalty if you needed to. Set a reminder!
- Check all your lists. If you’ve missed something jump on it or ask a friend to step in and help.
- Take an afternoon off if you can and relax!
- Send Dad out to watch the match!
- Check all rooms and outbuildings… make sure nothing and nobody is left behind!
- Put your devices on charge… this is VERY important!
- Order a takeaway and pour yourself a well earned drink!
- Get an early night.